Dyna-Air Wins FY2019 Energy Conservation Grand Prize

FY2019 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Award Ceremony (January 29, 2020)


Dyna-Air was awarded the Prize of the Chairman of ECCJ at the “Fiscal 2019 Energy Conservation Grand Prize Awards,” which are hosted by the Energy Conservation Center, Japan. The company received the award at the presentation ceremony on January 29, 2020.


The award recognizes excellent energy conservation efforts made by industrial, service and transport sectors in Japan as well as advanced, high-energy-efficiency products.


Our award-winning Moist Processor (humidification specialized model) is a liquid desiccant-based humidity control air conditioning system equipped with a heat pump. It provides high-efficiency, high-volume humidification.
The processor provides the same level of humidifying capacity, controllability and cleanliness as a steam humidification system, consumes less energy in delivering sufficient humidification.
This high-efficiency liquid desiccant humidifier offers both energy conservation and lower costs, and can contribute to reducing energy consumption in many buildings and improving the global environment.